This project is a packaging design for the fictional brand Chrysanthemun - a tea manufacturer aiming toward customers looking for an alternate beverage option.

Chrysanthemun prides itself on the very saturated and vibrant flavor of its product while being made from 100% natural ingredient, guarantee to bring colorful flavors into each sip. Whether it is a refreshing morning cup to start the day, a  calming cup in the afternoon to replenish the lost energy, or a soothing cup in the evening for a good night sleep, Chrysanthemun has you covered.

The concept for the packaging design got its inspiration from the story "The Honest Woodcutter". With the intention of encouraging long time coffee enjoyers, and even beginner tea lovers too, to try getting themselves out newer products, Chrysanthemun wants its customers to think of the image of the golden and silver axes, "with all the benefits you knew and loved plus some more".

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